DeafBlind Services
DeafBlind Services provides technical assistance and support to programs that serve children and youth who are deafblind. These children require highly-specialized services in order to realize their best potential to communicate, to enhance their mobility and to maximize their learning.
To best meet the unique needs of these students, this assistance is provided to teachers, therapists, educational assistants, regional specialists, families and school districts.
Technical assistance focuses on the following:
- Offering trainings, on-site consultation, and assistance with program development to staff and families
- Disseminating relevant information to school districts and families
- Assisting with transition of students at all age levels
- Working collaboratively with outside agencies to support a student’s unique needs
If you have questions regarding Deafblind Services contact Darlene Daniels, a Teacher of the Visually Impaired at CRIS with specialized expertise in this area.
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