Early Childhood and Low Incidence Disabilities
Oregon Early Learning Division
The mission of the Early Learning Division is to support all of Oregon’s young children and families to learn and thrive as part of the 40/40/20 education goal and Governor Kate Brown’s vision for a seamless education system from birth through college.
Vroom is completely free for your iPhone or Android smartphone and consists of a series of over 1,000 brain-building activities that empower parents and caregivers to be brain builders for their children. It is accessible in English and Spanish. Vroom is working in partnership with the Oregon Early Learning Division and an ODE training video is available online.
Routines-Based Interviews (McWilliam)
A semi-structured interview about the family's day-to-day life, focusing on the child's engagement, independence, and social relationships. Its purposes are to create a strong relationship with the family, to obtain a rich and thick description of child and family functioning, and to result in a family-chosen list of functional and family outcomes/goals.
LEAP Preschool: An Inclusive Model of Early Autism Intervention
The LEAP Preschool Model is widely considered one of the most well researched programs for young children with autism. Key components of the LEAP Preschool Model include (1) Inclusive preschool setting (minimum of a 2:1 ratio of typical peers to children with autism); (2) Implementation of a variety of naturalistic, evidence-based teaching strategies; (3) Grounded in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis; (4) Implementation of Peer-Mediated Strategies; and (5) Utilization of the LEAP Parent Skill Training Curriculum. To learn more, visit the Positive Early Learning Experiences (PELE) Center at the University of Colorado Denver