Autism Training and Resource Center (ATRC)
The Autism Training and Resource Center (ATRC) at Columbia Regional Inclusive Services works in partnership with school districts and early intervention/early childhood special education agencies to provide consultation, coaching, and technical assistance to families, educators, and professionals who support students on the autism spectrum from birth-to-21. We are committed to helping ensure that every autistic individual has access to an education that assists them in achieving their full potential.
Our team of licensed autism specialists and behavior analysts train and coach with an emphasis upon building capacity; providing educators and teams with the tools and information they need to effectively and independently:
Complete evaluations and determine eligibility for special education under the category of autism spectrum
- Develop Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP) and Individualized Education Plans (IEP) including accommodations and modifications to ensure access to instruction
- Select and implement Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs), based upon individualized student assessments
- Conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
- Teach the expanded core curriculum (ECC) including social skills, functional communication, organization, self-advocacy, adaptive/life skills, and other skills domains
To strengthen and compliment the services provided by districts, we also:
- Offer a broad array of professional development opportunities, including face-to-face workshops and webinars that apply to students across all age ranges and levels of severity
- Build partnerships through Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings and other events
- Host a clearinghouse of books, curricula, and instructional materials for Autism PLC members representing all districts in our four county region.
Our team will tailor professional development to meet the needs of a district requesting training for staff. Working in partnership, we aim to help districts identify and achieve programmatic goals. Our services are constantly evolving based upon the latest research as well as the changing needs of schools and classrooms. We welcome your requests for assistance, as well as your input to improve our services.
Regionwide Autism PLC: Are you an autism specialist/coach, behavior specialist, BCBA, TOSA, or administrator providing or supervising autism services in a district/county served by CRIS (Multnomah, Clackamas, Hood River, Wasco)? If so, we invite you to join the Autism PLC and get on our email list. You'll gain access to collegial support, essential resources, and professional development. If you work in our region and would like to be added, contact Darthea Park.
Click here to access the Autism PLC page with meeting dates and member resources.
Would you like to request assistance with training for staff or for collegial support with a complex autism evaluation or with a student who has complex needs? Autism PLC members and school district administrators are welcome to complete our Autism Team Assistance Request Form.
Early Childhood Professionals with a Special Interest in Autism
If you are an early childhood professional serving in our four county region and interested in learning about additional evidence-based tools and strategies as well as connecting with colleagues across the region, feel free to join our EI/ECSE Autism PLC! All EI/ECSE professionals from our region and in Oregon are welcome.
School-Based Board Certified Behavior Analysts
For behavior analysts in Oregon employed by school districts and public early childhood programs, you are welcome to join participate in our SB-BCBA PLC!