OI Student Referral

  • Directions for new referrals to OI

    1. Fill out the CRIS Student Referral Form and print. 

    2. Gather all required documents associated with the services being requested. For example, to enroll a student for OI services and/or equipment, a copy of the current OI eligibility statement is required. If an OI eligibility for a student is pending, we advise you to wait until eligibility is established to refer to CRIS. We are unable to enroll students who are referred without a copy of the OI eligibility statement.

    3. Obtain the signature of the special education director (or designee) in your district.

    4. Email, fax or mail the completed referral and attached documents 

    to CRIS

    • Email: lmaples@pps.net
    • Fax: 503-916-5576
    • Mail: Columbia Regional Inclusive Services - 833 NE 74th. Ave - Portland, OR 97213

    AT/AAC Learner Profile 
    Those requesting Assistive Technology (AT) and/or Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) consultation services are required to complete an AT/AAC Learner Profile concurrent with the student referral (secure link via Google Apps for Education)
    arrow AT/AAC Learner Profile for School-Age Students 

    AAC Services for Students who do not have an OI eligibility

    Our AAC specialists have a primary responsibility to serve students with an OI eligibility. Limited AAC consultative support may be available for students who do not have an OI eligibility but receive regional services under another eligibility category. This support may be provided by phone, email, video-conference, or face-to-face meeting at CRIS offices. To request this type of support, contact a member of the OI/AT team.  

    We are not able to provide equipment and/or services for students who do not have an eligibility of Orthopedic Impairment (OI) or another low incidence disability (VI, HI, DB, TBI, ASD).

    Return to the general Student Referral page.