Switches and other Access Methods

  • What are ability switches?
    Ability switches provide people with significant physical limitations an alternative way to access their environment and increase their independence.

    What is a Switch Interface?
    These devices allow users to connect ability switches to computers and tablets, providing an access method to our students with complex motor and/or communication needs.

    Access Methods: Switches, Keyboards, and Eye Gaze
    Explains how a person can control a computer or a communication aid using a slight movement of their foot, blinking an eye or moving their head - all types of access methods.

    VIDEO: Using the APPlicator Switch Interface

    Ruth McKee, a low incidence disabilities specialist with our OI team, explains how to setup and use the APPlicator Switch Interface by Pretorian Technologyies, a device that provides switch access to operate iPad apps and play music.

    APPlicator iPad Switch Interface. Click to see larger image.    APPlicator iPad Switch Interface with switch connected. Click to see larger image.   APPlicator switch interface with two switches and an ipad


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